PDPM – Increase reimbursements for nutrition care

The implementation of the PDPM (Patient Driven Payment Model) program has posed some recent new challenges for healthcare providers. PDPM has come under focus by CMS for accurate coding and documentation, with new audits to be conducted by Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC). These audits could result in payment denials, causing disruptions in community budgets and operations.

Leveraging the expertise of Registered Dietitian (RD) consulting services can significantly benefit your community. RDs can help in the early detection of residents’ nutritional needs, leading to improved care and financial outcomes by utilizing the PDPM program.

At DiningRD we are dedicated in assisting your community in delivering the highest quality nutritional care. We know that achieving the nutrition reimbursement for enteral and parental nutrition, obesity, and malnutrition along with comprehensive documentation is key to your nutrition program! We have added a structured Nutrition PDPM program to help you achieve the best results.

  • Prevent payment denials by ensuring accurate coding for Non-Therapy Ancillary conditions such as malnutrition, obesity, Enteral/Parenteral feeding, or IV therapy.
  • Avoid missed reimbursements by ensuring timely completion of Nutrition screening and resident assessments within the 5-day MDS assessment window.
  • Exceed regulatory requirements by providing comprehensive documentation that supports MDS coding.
  • Maximize reimbursement while enhancing resident outcomes.

Nutrition care for PDPM reimbursement has become a core focus of DiningRD’s services to Senior Living communities nationwide. If you’d like to get started or learn more, click here.


